Future Media Concepts, Inc.
Est. 1994

Adobe Animate vs. After Effects

By Timothy Brauning on April 08, 2022

Adobe Animate and Adobe After Effects are two great software options that every animator, motion designer, and video editor needs to know. They both have their unique benefits and drawbacks, which is why it can be difficult to decide which software to use for your next creative project. . In this guide, we will compare Adobe Animate with Adobe After Effects to help you decide on when and how to use them to create your next animation.

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Topics: Adobe After Effects, Video Editing, Motion Graphics, After Effects CC Particle World, Production, After Effects Masks, continuing education, motion effects, Adobe Certification

Guide to the Best Motion Graphic Software on the Market

By Timothy Brauning on March 01, 2022

New software comes onto the market every year, and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. So, whether you're looking to buy your first motion graphic software, switch up your current one, or you're just curious about what's out there, read on for an in-depth look at the best motion graphics software on the market! 

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Topics: Motion Graphics, Adobe, motion effects, Blackmagic

Creating Custom Motion Graphics for Your Live Streams

By Alexander Dieguez on November 04, 2021

Are you trying to break through the competitive world of streaming? Do you see other streamers with custom motion graphics in their live stream and wonder how they made those effects?

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Topics: Adobe After Effects, Motion Graphics, adobe photoshop, Adobe, content creation, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, motion effects, Livestreaming

Creating Gifs in After Effects for Email and Social Media

By Yessenia Fabian on July 30, 2021

Without a doubt, communication with your prospective clients is important. For the past few years, email design has grown in terms of sophistication as various organizations are trying to capture the attention of their audience. This includes the implementation of animations to help convey your message in a more appealing way. This blog post is about creating gifs in after effects for email, social media, but also WhatsApp and other platforms. 

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Topics: Adobe After Effects, Motion Graphics, social media, adobe photoshop, tutorial, After Effects Masks, animation, content creation, Marketing, Email

Maxon Cinema 4D News from SIGGRAPH 2019 and Maxon 3D Motion Design tour!

By Alexander Dieguez on August 09, 2019

Last week, Maxon, the creators of Cinema 4D, revealed their latest innovations in visual effects and animation at SIGGRAPH. Also, learn more about Maxon's road tour launching next month, The 3D Design + Motion Tour!

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Topics: Motion Graphics, 3D Artist, animation

Animation and Masks: How To Mask Text in After Effects

By Luisa Winters on July 18, 2019

Very often, I encounter After Effects students that want to create text animation that appears to start from inside of the viewable area. This is a very easy process that can be mastered in a very short period of time. Let's begin and learn how to use text animation and how to mask text in After Effects!

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Topics: Adobe After Effects, Motion Graphics, tutorial, Adobe, text, After Effects Masks, animation, kinetic typography

More of the same: 6 ways to duplicate a layer in After Effects

By Eran Stern on December 27, 2018

The ultimate goal of any design is to make an impression. When it achieves this goal, it fulfills its purpose: communicate the message it was intended to convey. 

Repeating some aspects of a design throughout a piece is a great design practice.  We use repetition to create a sense of unity and consistency.  It can create emphasis, hierarchy, and structure.  The more we see something, the more we familiarize with it, and as a result, remember it. You can duplicate elements in After Effects including, layer, clip, shortcut, effect, and more. 

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Topics: Adobe After Effects, Motion Graphics, After Effects Repeater, After Effects Puppet Tool, After Effects CC RepeTile, After Effects Clone Stamp Tool, After Effects CC Particle World

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